Monday 28 September 2009

a wealth of choice in a time of poverty.


Swedish xylophone-tamperers, with harmonising heterogenous whispery voices, electronic drums and dreamy synths, Lake Heartbeat tinker similarly to Au Revoir Simone. However, there are similarities to bands such as, mildly weirdly, The Lighthouse Family and The Beach Boys.
this is for dew-touching walks in the blinding dawn light; or a moment-encapturing seaside drive with the roof down :

It's far more commercial sounding than the rest, feebly 1990s boy band; but you overlook that and have a little inside dance anyhow - it's their head-lining single.
This is their debut album, 'Trust in Numbers', and every track is filled with an unenthusiastic optimism, making the songs emotionally self-fulfilling.

I don't think I sold that song too well, so here's another taste:

My favourite track is, however, Blue Planet, which I, unfortunately, can't show you...sorry.

On another strain, I'm trying to start up a magazine [I don't want to give too much away here], if anyone's interested in any way - getting involved or just general support, leave a comment.



Arthur Laidlaw said...

Show us Blue Planet you big baboon - you can't do that, say it's your favourite and then hide it away!@£$%^&*))))(*&^^^^%%%%

Anyway, I thought I should let you know - I think the lead singer of O & V may be attending my exhibition. Bit cool. So, I hope you'll be there too?


Arthur Laidlaw said...

and what about this magazine?