Saturday 13 June 2009

time taints.

I liked her so so much this time last year. Oh yes. When a good friend showed me the enlightened voice of Florence Welch and her delectable clockwork Machine, everything she touched seemed to just sparkle, with that dangerous amount of power in her voice and the tingly-tangly accompaniment.
Now, it scratches and scathes. I know I shouldn't be saying this on the verge of her hitting the "big time", but I can't help but feel it just doesn't feel right. 
The video for her next single, Rabbit Heart, released 21st June and seen below, seems a little too much (I think the mouthing is out of sync as well).

Maybe I should just take a rain check and renew my faith once her album, Lungs, comes out on July 6th.

Here's some old magic in the form of a Bruce Springsteen cover duet with Kid Harpoon, whom I'm ecstatic to be going to see on Monday at The Enterprise, Camden:



kadeee said...

i love her! i think rabbit hearts is insane. it turns me to gold in the sunlighttt!!

A Certain Smile said...

i like this, i do. i'm sitting here listening to her album, trying to get over it.
not happening.