Monday 12 October 2009

coco-pop stained sheets.

did I ever talk about Blind Man's Colour? - that band that Kanye "I ain't gay" West had a mini rave about: Chromatic Flights is the solo project of one key member, Kyle Wyss.
I'm not one (maybe I'm two) to make band-wagon assumptions, but this COULD be one of those solo projects that are a flash of beauty and not much more, or who knows - isn't that more beautiful? who cares?
Wyss released an EP called 'Favourite Cat' back in May, and here's a little toasting to it:

acoustic-experimental electronic beats.

there's more to come, I think I'm just jumping the gun.

love is easy to write -

if your heart is full/empty enough,

it will bleed onto paper.

life is easy, enough, to write –

if your eyes are wide/closed enough,

they will guide the pen.


when the two co-mingle,

and feelings float – heavy and empty,

pencil-lead snaps and clouds brow-furrow.


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