Sunday 20 September 2009

fragmented tales, pt. 1.

"a shop in an alley led me to a frozen glass window - i looked through to see the other side and, catching the shimmer of a secret staring back, a cold realisation of a future found me. the shiver that told me so much about its importance left a stain on my skin and refused to sink in. i knew i was meant to be there, that moment, there. i shoe-gazed a while and let the wind curve around my figure, brushing over the bristling hairs that betook it all.

A noise shook me into a new frame and I gave in to the available tip-toed sight above, gazing into the shop. An establishment of cobwebs; there was darkness in all the rightly-wrong places, disguising the true nature of its custom. A few steps back and a look to the left, right and top told little else. I doubted my instincts, existence and time; I doubted my very self. why was I there?"


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