Tuesday 23 June 2009

a week away; hell to pay.


A collaboration of Weird Tapes & Memory Cassette has hatched from one person earlier this year and morphed into Memory Tapes. One shady, and for all we know, dubious, producer has amalgamated his projects, which were two shades different anyhow, to form this one. 
The debut single is going to be released in the first week of August, Bicycle.
One sentiment I immediately cling to in it is the rough 80s feel; there's a bit of a tribal thing with cowbells, going nicely with a buttering of synths. It's got the genetic makeup of a lot of the disco-pop pumping this summer up, full of synth, guitar riffs & mystical vocals (Little Boots, Passion Pit et cetera), but that in no way detracts from the class of the song.


another week away. more hell to pay?


Adam said...

sorry couldn't find a contact email.

So this is your blog, unfortunately i dont have speakers at the moment, but i enjoyed what i read.

by the way i met you in that club in marbella, my name was adam.

one last thing i recently made a spotify playlist of songs that have been sampled by more well known songs, i found it quite interesting.

enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Polly Ester said...

email is sophia0wyatt@gmail.com.

I'm afraid your link didn't work too good [a.k.a. at all]!
shame because it intrigued me.


hope you're well.
